Planning for Summer
Mail Date Protection Is an Oxymoron
Most list owners are not concerned about mail date protection, and rightfully so, because they know it does not affect the outcome of their mailings. Otherwise, cooperative databases with thousands of participants would not exist. Mail date protection is an oxymoron. It gives list owners and other members of the direct marketing community a false sense of security. Notwithstanding, as our clients and fellow list brokers and managers are well aware, and as is customary, we encourage strict adherence to mail dates in the best interests of all parties. So, here is a question for mailers: When was the last time your list broker independently confirmed that your offer was verified as in the mail on a specified date? Read why you should shift your focus from mail dates.

What’s Working
B-to-B and B-to-C E-mailers Agree on Winning Tactics
While business-to-business and business-to-consumer e-mail marketers have different targets, their results lead them to agree on the most effective strategies. Both groups say identifying the best time to send messages is a key e-mail tactic, according to a Silverpop survey. The two groups also say that including marketing promotions in transactional messages and using surveys to gather information on customers are important to success. Less effective tactics, despite some recent hype, were identified as social networking sites, triggered offers and behavioral targeting. Learn more about our e-mail services andemail list brokerage.

What’s New
Geo-Targeting With Mobile Apps Growing Among Retailers
Location-based mobile marketing is growing among retailers as a way to draw customers into stores. Using mobile device location-sensing capabilities, shoppers receive targeted offers as soon as they enter “geo-fences” erected around store sites. For example, Placecast’s ShopAlerts platform is being used by the Sonic quick-serve restaurant chain, American Eagle Outfitters clothing stores, outdoor-gear retailers REI and North Face, FedEx Office, Avis and Budget rental cars, and Hyatt hotels. Another startup called Shopkick Inc. has just signed Best Buy and Macy’s to launch an iPhone and Android location-based marketing app that also allows phone cameras to scan bar codes for coupons and other offers in-store. Consumers may opt-in to such location-based services in the stores, via text message keyword, online, via mobile web site, or on a social network like Facebook. They then choose the brands for which they want to receive alerts when they are near a location or when a sale or special is available. Tests of ShopAlerts found that 90% of consumers were driven to the stores after receiving a location-triggered message, and 65% made a purchase as a result of a message! Ask us about SMS/text lists and appending.

Industry Survey
Do you plan to purchase mobile-marketing related services in 2010? (Click one) YES     NO

Results of previous Industry Survey: Of those responding, only 47% plan to increase 2010 spending for e-mail prospecting.

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