"Top-10" Direct Mail Lists for Your Fundraising Appeal

Find more donors with the top-10 most popular, proven mailing lists for specific fundraising appeals.

Extra Steps Can Cut Bad Addresses to Lift Mail Response

Bad address data continue to depress ROI for a significant chunk…

Right Tactics Will Bolster Fundraising If Economy Gets Rocky

Nonprofit efficiency tactics can bolster fundraising if economy gets rocky.

Print Catalogs Surge, Respond to Digital Tracking Crackdown

Renewed interest in print catalogs is fueled by digital's crackdown on consumer tracking and rising costs, as well as catalogs' better response and retention.

Omnishoppers Challenge Retail Marketing in 2023

Retail marketers need a cost-effective mix of multiple channels, including direct mail, to target valuable omnishoppers in 2023.

Has Your Marketing Adjusted for the Current E-commerce Surge?

Pandemic lockdowns across the nation have turbocharged e-commerce,…

Amid Virus Disruption, Direct Mail Has 'Optichannel' Advantages

As the majority of American adults hunker down at home, with…